We are delighted to open the call for proposals for the 2025 W.A.R.P. cycle! This year, we’ll be hosting one visiting artist for a 6-week residency. While in residence at TWM, the visiting artist will work independently on their own studio projects while simultaneously developing and leading collaborative workshops/projects with Westtown program participants (adults with developmental disabilities). Over the 6 weeks, the artist-in-residence will be asked to contribute about 10 hours of programming for Westtown participants, with lesson-planning and workshop support from TWM. Visiting artists will have workspace of their own (size/shape to be determined based on artists’ needs, though it won’t be private or enclosed), access to a selection of tools and supplies and 24-7 building access. We will work with the artist-in-residence to source materials and supplies for their workshops and the visiting artist will receive a $400 stipend. Collaborative teams are welcome to apply.

TO APPLY (deadline April 1, we’ll send notifications out late April/early May)

Please send responses to the following questions (150-200 words each), along with 3-5 images of work and/or link to a portfolio or website to info@theweavingmill.com, with subject line <<<WARP 2025>>> 

·      Tell us about yourself: what does your studio practice look like? What are you interested in/looking for in your work? What have you been working on lately?

·      What would you like to work on at TWM? Tell us about your goals for your own studio projects and how you imagine integrating those with workshops/projects for Westtown participants.

What we can offer

A floor loom (4-10 harness, depending on your needs, double warp beam available)

Knitting machine, sewing machine, heat press

Work surfaces

Excellent light

A vast supply of buttons

Yarn (much to choose from, but it might not be the yarn you dream about)

Fabric (much to choose from, but it might not be the fabric you dream about)

A large parking lot, good for messy outdoor projects

A small but functional dye operation (including portable propane burners, large pots, utensils, scale, measuring tools, drying racks, water supply, some dye chemistry)

24-7 building access

$400 stipend

6 weeks, dates flexible June-August